Spectral gap bounds for reversible hybrid Gibbs chains

Hybrid Gibbs samplers represent a prominent class of approximated Gibbs algorithms that utilize Markov chains to approximate conditional distributions, with the Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm standing out as a well-known example. Despite their …

Conditional Density Estimations from Privacy-Protected Data

Many modern statistical analysis and machine learning applications require training models on sensitive user data. Differential privacy provides a formal guarantee that individual-level information about users does not leak. In this framework, …

SNP-Slice: A Bayesian nonparametric framework to resolve SNP haplotypes in mixed infections

Multi-strain infection is a common yet under-investigated phenomenon of many pathogens. Currently,biologists analyzing SNP information have to discard mixed infection samples,because existing downstream analyses require monogenomic infection …

Sequential Monte Carlo algorithms for agent-based models of disease transmission

A simple Markov chain for independent Bernoulli variables conditioned on their sum

We consider a vector of $N$ independent binary variables, each with a different probability of success. The distribution of the vector conditional on its sum is known as the conditional Bernoulli distribution. Assuming that $N$ goes to infinity and …